Upgrade your energy.

Hi, I'm Chris. Performance Recovery & Sleep-Coach. 
Are you ready for a life full of energy?
Start here

Du bist hier genau richtig, wenn...

du dich ständig erschöpft und ausgelaugt fühlst.
dein Schlaf unruhig und nicht erholsam ist.
du nach nachhaltigen Lösungen suchst, um deine Energie zu steigern.
So kannst du kostenlos starten

Hi, i'm Chris Surel

Chris Surel 
Performance Recovery & Sleep-Coach
your performance recovery & sleep coach. I help executives and top athletes worldwide to sustainably increase their energy and performance.

From my own experience as a tennis player and company founder, I know what it's like to break down under pressure. My way back has given me extensive knowledge about sustainable energy management, which I would now like to share with you.

With my scientifically based Strategic Performance Recovery System, you will achieve a balance between stress and recovery, promote sustainable growth and increase your performance.

As a globally sought-after coach and speaker, I support you in taking your energy and performance to the next level. Are you ready for more energy, performance and well-being? Let's get started!
My Mission

Less RED
More Sparkling eyes.

We humans are designed to pulsate and alternate rhythmically between intense phases of stress and appropriate phases of rest and recovery. This dynamic is crucial for our vitality and well-being.

Studies show that systematically alternating between stress and recovery is the fastest and most sustainable way to promote personal growth and development. We support you in following this path effectively and sustainably.

Together we will create a world with fewer red eyes and more sparkling eyes.

Your Shortcut to a high-energy-self!

Deep sleep Bootcamp
The deepsleep BOOTCAMP is a step-by-step shortcut to get more deep sleep fast and thus recover faster to perform better. Your Scientific Shortcut to Higher Levels of Energy, Performance & Health with better sleep.
Learn more
My comprehensive performance recovery eCoaching system to boost your energy level, cognitive performance, health, and wellbeing to the next level.
Learn more
Meine Mission


We as human beings… we are not machines. We are designed to pulse and move rhythmically between intense periods of stress followed by adequate periods of rest & recovery.

I believe (and science proves) that systematically oscillating between stress & recovery is the fastest (and most sustainable) way to achieve your next level.

WITH a new system forHigh energy.

My holistic approach helps individuals become physically energized, mentally focused and fully engaged in the moments that matter – for real results at work and at home.

AND PROVEN STRATEGIESbacked by science.

The linear approach (stress only, no recovery) leads to growth in the beginning, but finally to stagnation (and often even a drop in performance). In contrast, the Strategic Recovery approach with built-in recovery strategies leads to a healthy stress-rest-elasticity and continuous, sustained growth. Ignoring recovery typically leads to a 40-59% waste of your performance potential!

generating real restults inhigh stress environments.

  • "Chris is a true thought leader in the performance recovery space and a great source of energy and inspiration."
    Jan Becker – Investor
  • “I ate unhealthy, slept less than 5 hours per night and had no time for friends and family. I fucked up my life. I almost lost my relationship. I lost my company. I lost my health. I had to change and Chris’ advices helped me. Today I am healthy and mental fit. I run new successful businesses. I am happily married, exercise daily and I sleep 8 hours daily.”
    Fabian Westerheide – AI Investor
  • "Chris is touching upon one of the most underestimated success factors. I really like his approach about strategic recovery.”
    Julie Teigland – Managing Partner EMEIA, Ernst&Young
  • "Chris helped me to integrate some truly game-changing performance habits into my life. His approach works!”
    Goran Buvac – Entrepreneur


A rapidly growing number of modern leaders, changemakers and high performers around the world have realized that strategic recovery is the only way to sustain high levels of energy, performance, health and well-being.








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Live-Webinar mit Dr. Frederik Hümmeke

»Business Coaching:
Wenn du andere erfolgreich machst, wirst du selbst erfolgreich«

03. November
Online & Gratis

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Ist die High-Energy Masterclass wirklich kostenlos?
Ja, ohne wenn und aber. Warum ich meinen Content kostenlos anbiete, für den Firmen sonst viel Geld ausgeben? Weil ich meine Mission wirklich ernst meine: Weniger rote und mehr funkelde Augen. Mein Ziel ist eine energiegeladene Gesellschaft.
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Die gute Nachricht: Wir zeichnen die Sessions auf und du bekommst im Nachgang kostenlos Zugang dazu. Wir versuchen dir die Aufzeichnungen zu zeitnah wie möglich zukommen zu lassen. Da wir aber auch nur Menschen sind, gib uns bitte etwas Zeit dafür :-) 

Ich möchte dennoch an dich appellieren, live dabei zu sein! Ich liebe es, live Vorträge zu halten und es ist garantiert nochmal ein besseres Erlebnis, als dir nur die Aufzeichnung anzuschauen! 
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